
  • Release date : Nov 17 2013 - 13:43
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The SBMU Neuroscience Research Center Hosted the 3rd International Workshop on Neurosciences

The 3rd International Neurosciences Workshop was held and hosted by the SBMU Neuroscience Research Cenetr (NRC).

While announcing the news of the event, Professor Fereshteh Motamedi, the SBMU NRC director said: “The 3rd International Neuroscience Workshop was held at the SBMU NRC in collaboration with Tarbiat Modarress University andInstitute for Research in Fundamental Sciences,  here in Tehran in November.” She further added: The IBRO (the International Brain Research Organization annually holds educational and research workshops in order to promote knowledge levels among the neuroscientists in countries capable both scientifically and logistically, and this year it was held here at SBMU NRC.”

 The SBMU NRC director also noted that in this 10-day educational workshop, 24 neuroscientists (PhDs & MSCs) from Asian nations including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey, and Iran were present. She added that: “at the beginning of each working day, neuroscientists from the uSA, Australia, japan, Italy, and Iran detailed comprehensively about issues in behavioral techniques, electrophysiology, and cell and molecular studies, and following such theoretical trainings, the participants would become familiar with those techniques at the SBMU school of Medicine physiology and pharmacology labs.”

At the end, Professor Motamedi considered the holding of such workshops as “positive” and stated that the 4th workshop of its kind will be held and hosted at SBMU Neuroscience Research Center (NRC) in collaboration with Tarbiat Modarress University and Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences. 

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  • News code : 5872